
Mystic's Forge

What is Mystic's Forge? This is a place where mighty adventures can get the best equipment for their gold. With our up to date smithy, polished and cleaned alchemist workshop and scholars at academy. You can bet that YOU brave adventure are getting only the best of the best equipement, potions, artifacts and magical gear.


Cloak of Stealth

Introducing the Cloak of Stealth – an extraordinary garment that veils its wearer in an ethereal shroud of secrecy and invisibility. With this black silky cloak enchanted with sound silencing spells, this is a hot item for rogues and dungeon divers alike. If you're needing a way around and not to be found out, this is the cloak for you!

speak with dead

Scroll of Speak With Dead

Introducing the Scroll of Speak with Dead – a sacred parchment imbued with ancient incantations and mystical energies, granting the power to commune with the departed. Our very smart scholars have found a way for those that have a lost one to speak with them one last time. This new hot magic scroll has hit the market and it does not disappoint. If you have someone you want to speak with one last time, this is the item for you!

Hottest Items Today!

The 2 items above are the new and treadiest items on the market to date. They havee found a home in the hearts of many adventures and thats why they are up there this month! If you're wanting to see all of our tready items that are avalible you can click here to view all!

Alchemist's Workshop

What is the Alchemist's Workshop? This is a place of wonders! Anything you need that can give you just a little bit more help in dungeoning is here! Elixirs of different flavors and colors, ranging from helping you with stamina, to helping you cast spells faster to just the basic health potion! If you need a pick me up, its right here.

Elixir of Life

Through the genuis brains of our amazing alchemists they have found a way to make it so that you can live forever! Introducing the Elixir of Life – a miraculous potion that bestows the gift of eternal vitality and rejuvenation. Kings and Dukes are fighting over this amazing exlixir, if you want to get your hands on it soon it should be now while its previewed!


The Smithy

What is The Smithy? Fire, hammer, steel! Anything that is in this shop that isn't too related to magic is all made here! From our amazing cold-steel swords to our dragon scale armor, our amazing blacksmiths put all of their heart, soul, sweat and blood into making each piece of equipment for brave adventurers!

fire protection ring

Ring of Fire Protection

Introducing the Ring of Fire Protection – your ultimate safeguard against unforeseen disasters. Crafted by our amazing black smiths from our smithy, our ring offers unparalleled defense against fire hazards. Don't wait until it's too late – invest in your safety today with our reliable and effective solution. Embrace the power of proactive protection and shield your property from the flames with the Ring of Fire Protection

invisibility ring

Ring of Invisibility

Introducing the Ring of Invisibility – your gateway to unparalleled stealth and secrecy. Crafted with the blood and tears of our hard working blacksmiths, our ring offers the ultimate concealment for those seeking to move undetected through the world. Don't let obstacles hinder your progress – harness the power of invisibility and unlock boundless opportunities with the Ring of Invisibility.

Hover me!

Hello There!
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"Lich's Grave" is a foreboding dungeon entrenched within the bowels of a forgotten tome, hidden away in a desolate corner of a darkened library. The entrance, marked by ancient symbols etched in faded ink, beckons adventurers with promises of untold treasures and arcane knowledge. However, those who dare to enter soon find themselves ensnared in a labyrinthine maze of winding corridors and shadowy chambers. "Lich's Grave" is a foreboding dungeon entrenched within the bowels of a forgotten tome, hidden away in a desolate corner of a darkened library. The entrance, marked by ancient symbols etched in faded ink, beckons adventurers with promises of untold treasures and arcane knowledge. However, those who dare to enter soon find themselves ensnared in a labyrinthine maze of winding corridors and shadowy chambers. The terrain within Lich's Grave is characterized by crumbling stone walls adorned with cobwebs and eerie torch sconces flickering with an otherworldly light. The air is heavy with the scent of decay and ancient magic, lending an oppressive atmosphere to the dimly lit passages. As adventurers delve deeper into the dungeon, they may encounter treacherous traps triggered by pressure plates or hidden mechanisms, adding an element of danger to their journey. Among the myriad perils lurking within Lich's Grave are foul creatures born of darkness and necromantic power. Skeletal warriors clad in tattered armor roam the corridors, their hollow eyes gleaming with malevolent intent. Packs of ravenous ghouls skulk in the shadows, hungering for the flesh of the living. And at the heart of the tomb, guarded by legions of undead minions, lies the phylactery of the lich itself—a powerful artifact that grants immortality to its sinister master. As adventurers navigate the treacherous passages of Lich's Grave, they must contend not only with the physical dangers of the dungeon but also the malevolent spirits that haunt its halls. Only the bravest and most resourceful souls have any hope of surviving the perils within and claiming the riches that lie hidden beneath the cold stone of the tomb.

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"Lost Tunnel" is a mysterious dungeon shrouded in tales of ancient curses and forgotten treasures. Nestled deep within the heart of a dense forest, the entrance to the tunnel is obscured by tangled vines and overgrown foliage, concealing its existence from all but the most intrepid adventurers. As explorers venture into the depths of Lost Tunnel, they are enveloped by an eerie silence broken only by the distant drip of water echoing through the damp corridors. The air is heavy with the scent of earth and decay, and the narrow passageways twist and turn unpredictably, leading deeper into the darkness. The terrain within Lost Tunnel is varied and treacherous, with crumbling stone arches and precarious bridges spanning vast chasms that plunge into unknown depths. Lichen-covered walls bear the scars of past explorations, their surfaces etched with cryptic symbols and faded runes hinting at the tunnel's enigmatic history. Throughout the labyrinthine corridors of Lost Tunnel, adventurers may encounter a myriad of dangers, from cunning traps triggered by pressure plates to lurking creatures that stalk the shadows. Giant spiders skitter across the ceilings, their eight eyes gleaming with hunger, while spectral apparitions drift silently through the air, haunting the abandoned passageways. Rumors speak of hidden chambers filled with untold riches and ancient artifacts lost to time, but the true nature of Lost Tunnel remains a mystery to all but those brave enough to brave its depths. For those who dare to venture into its darkness, Lost Tunnel offers the promise of adventure and discovery—but also the risk of becoming lost forever in its twisting corridors.

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"Sorrow Cellblock" is a grim and foreboding dungeon nestled within the depths of a desolate, windswept moor. Its towering walls rise from the rocky landscape like silent sentinels, casting long shadows that seem to stretch endlessly across the barren terrain. As adventurers approach Sorrow Cellblock, they are greeted by the sight of imposing iron gates, rusted and weathered from centuries of neglect. The air is heavy with an oppressive sense of despair, and the distant sound of mournful wails carries on the wind, hinting at the dark secrets that lie within. Once inside, explorers find themselves confronted by a labyrinth of narrow corridors and shadowy chambers, illuminated only by flickering torches that cast dancing shadows on the cold stone walls. The air is thick with the scent of decay, and the oppressive atmosphere weighs heavily on the hearts of those who dare to enter. Throughout Sorrow Cellblock, adventurers may encounter a variety of terrors, from restless spirits haunting the darkened halls to twisted creatures lurking in the shadows. The souls of the damned wander aimlessly, their anguished cries echoing through the corridors, while monstrous guardians stand watch over hidden passages and forbidden chambers. The terrain within Sorrow Cellblock is treacherous and unforgiving, with crumbling staircases and unstable walkways leading deeper into the dungeon's depths. Dark pits yawn open at every turn, threatening to swallow unwary travelers who stray too close to the edge. Despite its dangers, Sorrow Cellblock holds the promise of great rewards for those brave enough to explore its depths. Rumors speak of ancient treasures and powerful artifacts hidden within its walls, waiting to be claimed by those bold enough to seek them out. But with every step deeper into the darkness, adventurers risk becoming lost forever in the twisted corridors of Sorrow Cellblock, their fates forever intertwined with its tragic history.

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"Karlov Manor" stands as a haunting testament to a bygone era, its once-grand halls now shrouded in darkness and decay. Perched atop a windswept hill overlooking the mist-shrouded moors, the manor looms ominously against the night sky, its crumbling facade a stark contrast to the faded grandeur of its former glory. As adventurers approach Karlov Manor, they are greeted by the sight of ivy-covered walls and towering wrought-iron gates, long abandoned and rusted with age. The air is heavy with the scent of damp earth and mildew, and the distant howl of wolves echoes through the surrounding forest, adding to the sense of foreboding that hangs over the estate. Once inside, explorers find themselves ensnared within a labyrinth of forgotten corridors and shadowed chambers, where cobwebs cling to every surface and dust motes dance in the dim light. The air is thick with the weight of centuries-old secrets, and the sound of creaking floorboards and distant whispers fills the empty halls. Throughout Karlov Manor, adventurers may encounter a host of otherworldly beings and restless spirits, drawn to the manor by its dark history and the secrets it holds. From vengeful specters haunting the abandoned ballroom to malevolent entities lurking in the depths of the forgotten catacombs, danger lurks around every corner, waiting to ensnare the unwary. The terrain within Karlov Manor is treacherous and unforgiving, with crumbling staircases and hidden passageways leading deeper into the heart of the estate. Darkened alcoves and secret chambers hold the promise of untold riches and forbidden knowledge, but with every step deeper into the darkness, adventurers risk awakening the ancient evils that lie dormant within the manor's walls. Despite its dangers, Karlov Manor is a place of intrigue and mystery, where the brave and the bold can uncover the secrets of its past and claim their rightful place among the legends of old. But as night falls and the shadows grow long, those who dare to tread within its walls may find themselves trapped in a nightmare from which there is no escape.

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"Ancient Tome" is not merely a repository of forgotten knowledge but a labyrinth of arcane secrets and eldritch mysteries. Located in the heart of a dense forest, its weathered stone walls are hidden beneath a canopy of twisted branches and creeping vines, as if nature itself seeks to conceal its existence from prying eyes. Approaching the Ancient Tome, adventurers are greeted by an eerie stillness, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl. The air is heavy with the scent of moss and damp earth, and a sense of reverence and trepidation hangs in the air, as if the very trees themselves whisper warnings of the dangers that lie ahead. Stepping through the ivy-covered archway that marks the entrance, explorers find themselves ensnared within a maze of crumbling corridors and shadowed alcoves, where the air is thick with the scent of ancient parchment and the soft glow of flickering torches casts dancing shadows on the walls. Throughout the Ancient Tome, adventurers may encounter a myriad of mystical creatures and otherworldly guardians, each fiercely protective of the secrets they guard. From ancient guardians bound to protect the tome's most sacred chambers to spectral scholars who roam its halls in search of forbidden knowledge, danger lurks around every corner, testing the resolve and courage of those who dare to seek its secrets. The terrain within the Ancient Tome is as treacherous as it is mysterious, with hidden traps and arcane wards lurking beneath every dusty tome and crumbling pillar. Ancient tomes and scrolls line the shelves of forgotten libraries, their pages filled with long-lost spells and forbidden rituals, while hidden chambers hold the promise of untold power and unimaginable wealth for those brave enough to uncover them. But amidst the dangers and secrets that lie within the Ancient Tome, there is also the promise of enlightenment and discovery, as adventurers delve deep into its depths in search of the wisdom and power that have been lost to the ages. For those who are willing to risk everything in pursuit of knowledge, the Ancient Tome offers the chance to unlock the mysteries of the universe and rewrite the very fabric of reality itself.

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"Mystic Mountains" rise majestically, their peaks veiled in wisps of swirling mist, as if cloaked in ancient secrets and hidden wonders. These enigmatic mountains, shrouded in mystery and mystique, stand as silent sentinels guarding the secrets of the ages. The journey to the Mystic Mountains is fraught with peril and adventure, with rugged terrain and treacherous paths winding their way through dense forests and rocky gorges. Travelers brave enough to venture into the heart of these untamed lands must navigate winding mountain passes and navigate through deep ravines, all the while keeping a watchful eye out for signs of hidden dangers and lurking predators. As adventurers ascend higher into the Mystic Mountains, the air grows thin and crisp, carrying with it the scent of pine and the faint whisper of ancient magic. The landscape transforms into a realm of breathtaking beauty and otherworldly wonder, with towering cliffs and cascading waterfalls giving way to sweeping vistas of snow-capped peaks and crystal-clear lakes. But amidst the natural splendor of the Mystic Mountains lie secrets and mysteries waiting to be uncovered. Hidden caves and forgotten ruins dot the landscape, their ancient walls bearing silent witness to the passage of time. Within these secluded sanctuaries, travelers may encounter guardians of forgotten lore and ancient spirits who hold the keys to unlocking the mountains' most closely guarded secrets. Throughout the Mystic Mountains, magic flows like a gentle breeze, imbuing every rock and tree with an aura of enchantment and wonder. It is said that the mountains themselves are alive with the pulse of ancient magic, and that those who listen closely may hear the whispers of the wind and the songs of the stars echoing through the valleys and peaks. For adventurers bold enough to brave the perils of the Mystic Mountains, the rewards are as boundless as the horizon itself. From hidden troves of long-lost treasure to ancient artifacts of unimaginable power, the mountains hold the promise of untold riches and limitless adventure for those who dare to seek them out. But amidst the beauty and wonder of this enchanted realm, dangers lurk in the shadows, testing the courage and resilience of even the bravest souls who dare to tread its hallowed paths.

The Great Dungeons!

Lich's Grave
Lost Tunnel
Sorrow Cellblock
Karlov Mannor
Ancient Tome
Mystic Mountains